Kali Linux Notes
- compile the code:
- update the dependencies:
depmod -a
- Find loaded modules:
- Update the local package index with the latest changes made in the repositories:
apt-get update
Upgrade the existing packages:
apt-get upgrade
Upgrade to the latest version(if available):
apt-get dist-upgrade
Install nessuss and squid3
Setting up ProxyChains
- open the proxychains configuration file:
vim /etc/proxychains.conf
- uncomment the chaining type we want to use;
- add some proxy servers to the list
- proxyresolv www.targethost.com
- proxychains msfconsole
- open the proxychains configuration file:
install virtualbox
http://www.turnkeylinux.org ->to download for test
- wpscan to attack wordpress-sites
Information Gathering
- Service enumeraion:
DNS enumeration:
SNMP enumeration:
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snmpwalk -c public -v 2c snmpwalk -c public -v 1| grep hrSWInstalledName for tcp port scan:snmpwalk -c public -v 1| grep tcpConnState | cut -d "." -f6 | sort -nu
snmpcheck(get information via SNMP protocols):
snmpcheck -t
domain scan with fierce:
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fierce -dns internet.com fierce -dns internet.com -wordlist hosts.txt -file /tmp/output.txt
to start an smtp enumeration of the users on smtp server:
smtp-user-enum -M VRFY -U /tmp/users.txt -t
Determining network range
- Deepmagic Information Gathering Tooldmitry:
dmitry -wnspb targethost.com -o /root/Desktop/dmitry-result
- to issue an ICMP netmask request:
netmask -s targethost.com
- scapy
- Deepmagic Information Gathering Tooldmitry:
Identifying active machines
- nmap -sP
- nping(Nmap suite):
nping --echo-client "public" echo.nmap.org
- send some hex data to a specified port:
nping -tcp -p 445 -data AF56A43D
Finding open ports
- nmap
- explicitly specify the ports to scan:
nmap -p 1-1000
- scan all the organization’s network on TCP port 22:
Nmap -p 22 192.168.56.*
- explicitly - to output a file:
Nmap -p 22 192.168.56.* -oG /tmp/Nmap-targethost-tcp445.txt
- Zenmap
Operating system fingerprinting:
- nmap -o
- Use p0f to analyze a Wireshark capture file:
p0f -s /tmp/targethost.pcap -0 p0f-result.log -l
Service fingerprinting
- nmap -sV IPadderss
- Using amap to idenfity the application running a specific port or a range of ports:
amap -bq 200-300
Threat assessment with Maltego
- an account is required in order to use Maltego:“https://www.paterva.com/web6/community/"
Mapping the network
- casefile
Vulnerability Assessment
- install nessuss(8843 port)
- install openvas(9392 port)
Exploiting Vulnerabilities
- download a Linux-based operating system named metasploitable2 .
Escalating Privileges
- use incognito in meterpreter of metasploit
use getsystem in meterpreter of metasploit
Cleaning up the tracks
- use irb in metasploit
Create a persistent backdoor -
run persistence -h
in metasploitMITM attack
Password attack
- hydra
- brute-force attack using Medusa
Password profiling:
- configure Ettercap:
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locate etter.conf vi /etc/etterconf
- use auxiliary/gather/search_email_collector in metasploit
- configure Ettercap:
cracking a windows password using john the ripper
utilize Crunch to generate own password dictionary
using rainbow tables to crack:
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cd /usr/share/rainbowcrack/ ./rtgen md5 loweralpha-numeric 1 5 0 3800 33554422 0(rtgen to generate an MD5-based rainbow table )
cracking passwords with GPU using 0calhashcat
sucrack:allows for brute-force cracking of local accounts via su;it will fill up the log files rather quickly so please be sure to clean the log files after completion.
Wireless Attacks
- Cracking wep with aircrack-suite:
- Automating wireless network cracking:
- Accessing clients using a fake AP:
- URL traffic manipulation:
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sudo echo 1 >>/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #configure IP tables that allow our machine to route traffic /*arpspoof attack*/ arpspoof -i wlan0 -t(target) arpspoof -i wlan0 -t